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Hello World

Published: at 04:06 AMSuggest Changes

Hello there and welcome againt to my little corner of the internet.

I’ve never been consistent with my journaling, especially on the internet.

Usually I will spend a couple of days overengineering a new iteration of my personal site just to end up with a bunch of complexity that I don’t need.

By the time I’m done I generally get bored and never bother to spin up VSCode and write a blog post.

But this time I’m going to do it differently.

Instead of overengineering my personal site, I’ve going to use a simple template with some customizations.

Hopefully this way I wont have lost my passion for having a personal site by the time I’m done.

I still can’t promise to be a consistent journaler, but since I tend to take notes using Obsidian for work stuff, I should be able to publish those notes here sometimes.